úterý 20. září 2011

2 months evaluation...

I just wanted to do this for myself, but I haven´t put anything in here for long time, so I will spit it out in here.. ;)

Lets start with what amuses me in here:

Generosity of people - it´s simply amazing... I think its the main difference from home. People are very curious if your experience in India is going well. If you have any problems, they are always willing to help. Always very friendly. Always ready to host you and if you let them, you will never regret your decision. :)

Accommodation - I will owe Eric for the rest of my life. He was so nice to let me move in. My experience changed 180 degrees since Ive moved here. The location is amazing, the flat is amazing, great to have Eric and our common friend Parishot (Paritosh, Rapitosh, Rapishot) around.

Clothing!!! - Sometimes I just stare at some ladies, because the Saris that they are wearing are just out of the world... I wish I could buy one to my mom and my sister... Im pretty sure that my mom will buy one when she gets here, but we will have to find one for my sister. Btw. I have already bought pair of Kurta tops for myself... And Eric AND my Indian friend Parishot (who is very critical) loves it!!! so I think Ive done some good purchase... (but honestly, I got ripped off = for being white) :(

Possibility of travelling and diversity - the options where you can go and what you can see are tremendous. Also with many options how to get from spot A to the spot B. Himalayas on the north with amazing views of the roof of the Earth or amazing beaches on the west shore of Kerala and Goa. Numerous temples all over the India or rafting, hiking and bouldering in Manali. You name it, you can find it here. And many ways how to travel. Walk, bike, bus, ship, train, plane. Different prices, many options. You want to save, you take train. You want to do it fast and dont care about the price, take a plane (but the flights are still cheap) ;)Just amazing.. ;) Looking forward my travelling which is coming soon.. ;)

And now about the not cool Indian stuff:

The crowd - honestly, I think that Indian people are multiplying so fast, just because they love to touch each other, make huge crowds and hug. The best way how to notice this is to take a metro in the rush hour (which is by the way almost the whole day in Delhi lol). At first, just stay in the middle of the platform and watch. The best one for this is Rajiw Chowk. The train stops, door swings open, but what happens? Only one or two people will get out and the rest is already facing the barrier, that has created by human bodies, pushing everyone inside of the train... At first I thought its mainly because of trying to take a seat before they get full, but then you take a close look on the pushing people and you will see that the once who are in the middle of the crowd are having a very pleasant face expressions. They are loving it!!! But to be honest, I hate it and find it quite rude.

The food - I know that lots of people will be hating me for this, but I really cant stand the food in here. Im really bad with spices and there is no way, how to avoid them. So dont take this offensively, but it suuucks!! Just cant get my mind of a dinner at my place few weeks back, when Indian friends were cooking. Out of probably 6 different meals, the only not spicy stuff was rice. (and spicy in this case was really spicy, Imagine me crying for 15 minutes with red face and opened mouth) Actually I know one really close person, who would love this... :(

The traffic and travelling around Delhi - being white means many things in India. Mostly its good, but for travelling around Delhi its bed!! Like really bed. Rickshaw drivers trying to rip you off everyday, not a good experience. I hate bargaining with them everyday. Also, when you get stuck in the traffic, sitting inside of the auto rickshaw, not very good. One of my Indian friends told me, that riding rickshaw for about 30 minutes in the traffic is like smoking 30 cigarettes. How awful is that? :O It also takes time to get from one place to another... :(

Weather - despite its getting better now, its still super crazy. The humidity level is like 8 out of 10 and the temperature during the day goes really high. Really looking forward next few months when its supposed to go really low. That makes me think that I havent brought my winter jacket here. Ive heard that the mornings and evenings can be super chilly in here and I will definitely need one to our Sikkim trip with my friends. That means buying a new one in here.. :D

There is many more things that I will be able to come up, but I really need to go to sleep now, since Im working early tomorrow again.
So hope you have enjoyed it and blog you later.. ;)

pátek 9. září 2011

Don´t panic, DON´T PANIC!!!

Wow... that´s all I can say...

I have been very close to a terroristic attack.
You know what, waking up to a new day, finding out that a bomb exploded and 9 people were killed and more then 50 are seriously injured doesn´t make it easy to get up. Actually, it made me stay at home for the whole day...
And what HORRIBLE day it was!!!
Black Tuesday, the 7th of September... Now it wasn´t really a lucky seven...
I  woke up by getting text massage by my Indian friend, telling me about the bomb blast and that Delhi is on the red alert.
Knowing, that I was supposed to work in Pacific mall, which I have to go through Rajiv Chowk metro station, which is probably the busiest junction of Delhi metro, I have decided to stay at home and not go to work. Even though there wasnt another bomb blast, I think it was a good decision.

And after few hours of getting a really good rest at home I found out about the plane crash in Russia. I was struck, hard to admit but cried for a bit and really angry. Knowing that so many great sportsman have died... :(
And especially three amazing Czech players that have just became fathers and they will not be able to see their kids grow up... :(
I got very emotional, especially being so far from my family and friends.

And to make it the WORST day in India so far, we have had a HUGE earthquake at around 10:30pm I think. We were sitting with Eric in the living room and suddenly a huge tremor came up with a very loud sound. We jumped up, Eric running towards the doors, me towards the window, because he thought it´s an earthquake, but I thought it´s another bomb blast very close!!!
Few seconds later I got a text from the same friend from morning, that we just had a huge earthquake, 6.6 Richter scale...
After calming down my adrenalin rush few hours later, I went to sleep, ending the horrible and disastrous 7/9/11...

So that is the news what is happening and now to let you know what happened before that.. :)

Time flies here very fast, especially with working shifts of 9 hours and 6 days a week.
I have finally activated my international phone calls (like 3 weeks ago) lol, so I have had a chance to speak with my fam many times. Very good feeling to speak with the one you love and care about, knowing that they are ok and using your own language again.. ;)

I was trying to get in touch with Czech embassy in here, but failed. Im trying to find out if they organize any cultural events as many other embassies do in here. I think the best way to connect with them is to go there personaly, which is not really hard since its like 5 minuets from where I live right now.

Eric, my US flat mate was hosting a dinner few days back, but his Indian friends were cooking, so I had a chance to try some typical Indian, home made, meal. And it was amazing! ;)

Regarding work, I think I start quite liking it... even though it´s seriously physically and mentally the toughest work I have ever done.

I´m planning my first trip in here. With my flat mate and our two friends (Indian and German) we are about to book fly tickets to Sikkim. It is the least populated state in India with Nepal so close that you can touch if you lean over. ;) It is very well known for its spectacular-spectacular (Used from Moulin Rouge) ;) snow-topped mountains and views. I have to admit that Im very excited. We are going for a week during the last week of October. Hopefully everything will work out well for us.

And I have been also researching about another trip, when my mom gets here.
I still havent told her, but I think we will do a short trip by train to Jaipur, then off to Agra by taxi or bus and back to Delhi. Few days in here and then off to Goa, Mumbai, Bangkok (Thailand), either Phnom Penh (Cambodia) or Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and then too Bali (Indonesia)...
The very interesting thing is, that in many of those places, I can get cheap accommodation thanks to my friends staying there and also the flights are quite cheap.
We have to make the best out of this trip, because I got just double entrance visa to India!!! :(

Hope you all are doing well and keep me filled with your lives also.. ;)