středa 20. července 2011

How to travel in New Delhi???

Its official!!! The rush hours in Delhi are just horrifying!!!

The beat of the engines of bumped cars and never stopping autos (understand small "taxis") are mingling in the streets with sweaty rickshaw drivers, tired man on bicycles going from/to work and crazy bike riders, who are cruising through the streets like maniacs (Especially if there is whole family sitting at one bike - Small kid standing up front with his father driving, few kids behind him and mother on the end sitting sideways, holding a new born baby - only the man wears "helmet". It seems like the veins of Delhi will never stop bringing people in and out of the city.

Only a mad man would buy a new expensive car and try to drive it in Delhi. Tanks and armored transporters are the only exceptions. I have just seen a new white Skoda Superb in a nasty crash yesterday.

So there is actually a lot more options then I have expected, how to travel in Delhi. You can either:
Take a rickshaw
Take an auto
Take a taxi
Use the metro
Take the bus
Or walk

Honestly, walking in Delhi is not a really good idea. Especially now, when the temperature is really high and it would probably take you ages to reach the point. Not talking about getting lost.
I really cant say anything about travelling with bus, because I have never tried it, but as I could have seen, getting into or out of the bus might be a life threatening situation by being attacked by bike and auto drivers. It doesnt really look comfortable either, because there is always a lot of people inside.
So talking about the public transport, the best choice is the METRO!

It is AMAZING!!! Its fast, new, not that pricey for internationals but the most important, it covers pretty much a whole Delhi and its really cool inside, because of non-stopping AC.
Although there are few significant differences comparing European metros, it blew me away!
1. The cabins are not separated and you can see from the first cabin to the last one.
2. Woman have the first cabin just for themselves. No man is standing or sitting there. Especially funny situation happen during the rush hour. You can see hundreds of Indians squeezing in few cabins, but the one for ladies is almost empty.
3. To enter the metro, you have to go through a security check that can be compared with the one in Prague´s airport.
4. There are two ways of paying the metro, either paying with token for exact number of stations or prepaid metro card. With th prepaid metro card you can travel for how long you want, but in the end the maximum price will be just 29 ruppies. Thats why you can always find a group of people just talking in metro and enjoying the AC, going there and back again.

And now about the options that Im and everyone really is using the most in here.

The taxi is not really common, but when the temperature goes over 40, you can be sure that there is heaps of business man, who are ordering taxis with AC to bring them to their work.

The rickshaw. You have to try at least once in Delhi. Im using it all the time. The first time is the worse. If you dont know how much you should pay, the Indian guys can sense it and then they will rip you off. I have paid 110 ruppies for a ride that I have taken in three days again for 30. It is really convenient way of travelling for short distances. Paying around 20-40 ruppies. Sometimes the guy just jumps down if the hill is too steep and walks next to the bike, sometimes you hit your head into the roof, since the Delhi roads are horrible and sometimes you can up ion the ground when the wheel breaks.

The autos. To be honest, I hate bargaining, but that is the only way how to pay the exact amount of what you are supposed to. There is two ways of paying. You either set the price before you get in, where the bargaining is really needed. (Using only when you know how far and how much you should pay) or you ask the driver to use a meter. This is something that might not happen. But you can always complain through phone call that the driver doesnt want to start up the meter and if 5 complains come to the same auto driver, his licence gets suspended. (Use meter only when you feel like you know the way, because you pay for every half a kilometer and if you dont know where to go, the auto guy will always try to find the longest way. ;)
The really amazing pat about autos is, that the drivers dont really speak that much of English. Therefor finding the place where you want to get to might be quite hard, before you get to know places, that are nearby and the local drivers would know them.

Im just falling in love with this city and the way of living here. The only thing that really makes me crazy is my housing, but about that in another post. ;)

Have a good one and I hope you have enjoyed my post... ;)

pátek 15. července 2011

How many internationals can fit in one house in Delhi?

After sleeping few hours probably on the hardest bed I have been speaking with Snigdha´s mom for about two hours. Talking about the biggest problems in India, trying to get the feeling of real Indian. ;)

I have also tasted the first real Indian food, which reminded me of a taste of pizza back in middle school. Chicken stuffed Indian bread didnt hit the top notch, but filled my starving stomach. I had the option to decide, whether I stay in this house for one more night or go to the flat Im renting. Not wanting to bother the amazing family, I decided to move right away.

But before that, I have had the chance to experience "LC" meeting of AIESEC Delhi University. Getting to know  that they have over 100 active members, I was really thrilled to find out, where they meet.... :D
It was a little bit disappointment finding out, that the 25 people sitting around a long table was just OC of just running Underprivileged children project. But even there was only 25 people sitting, if you were standing behind the door, you would say that hundreds are inside. REALLY LAUD!!! As I was told, this was just a really soft behavior... :D

And now about the house. AIESEC in New Delhi has a contract with Delhi Stay, which is a provider of housing for internationals in New Delhi. I was told that Kailash is a nice part of the city. What is more important to me is, that it should take just few minutes to work. Comparing with Martin, a Slovak guy living next door who has to travel 90 minutes to work every day, Im kinda lucky... ;)

Three stories building, with Indians living in the first and multinational on the second and third. I have chosen the standard type of accommodation. Which means only thing, AC on the room. BUT the usage of electricity for running it is not included in the price. Therefor we turn it on only before we go to sleep and then turn it off when falling asleep.
On my floor there is two guys from Egypt, that are living in my room, but I havent met them yet, guy from Slovakia, Mexico, El Salvador, Germany, Japan and three girls from Poland, Ukraine and Kostarika.
There are people from China, Mexico, Taiwan and Spain living in the third floor.
I will see how we will get along, but everything seems alright now. I was just told to buy only needed stuff, because someone is usually stealing food from the fridge... :D (its happening everywhere) :D
The C market is really close where you can buy almost everything, but what really made my day was a fact of finding out that a really nice gym is close by and you can get the 3 months entrance fro just 3500 Indian rups, which is 58 Euros---

Will continue with the post of first steps through Delhi shortly.. ;)

Tell me how to get to India and how to survive first day!!!

And it came eventually.
I have said bye to my friends in Prague on the July 14th, still hangover from last night´s farewell party, but the two advils taken at 3am helped a lot!!!

I took the first flight from Prague to Istanbul, having a enormous luck to get to the exit seat with no one sitting next to me!!! It went very fast and the service was amazing as always with Turkish airlines..
But by taken all the luck with the first flight, the second one wasnt really that great...
Flying with Airbus A330-200, you would say that for a six hour flight, there should be at least an amazing entertainment on board. Well, the only entertainment and not really a good one was problems with electricity on board, when every one was feeling like partying in city center with stroboscope. I have never ever seen that before and the crew did not really look bothered.
If this didnt hit the point, two arguing Indians for a seat in a ail for 15 minutes was another story. Considering the plane half empty, it was a worth money, pre-departure entertainment. All solved with one word of the fly attended that he can sit in the row behind him... :D

The six hours boring flight was paid back by great meal served and amazing view on New Delhi at night.
Covered with the blanket of darkness, you could see thousands and thousands of torches piercing the dark cover. No blinking lights of 21st century, just dull orange color of mid evil times.

Supposed to be landing at 3:10am, we have jumped on the ground at 3:20am, sitting on the runway for about 20 minutes. I have also spent quite long on the costumes and I have already felt something going wrong with my airport pick up.
My watches showing 4:35am, I have stepped into the humid and hot night of 13.5million city, trying to find my driver. Terminal 3, gate 4, pillar 14, nowhere to be seen. Struggling around for about 15 minutes, totally soaked with my sweat, I decided to call my contact. And after talking to hear, the driver showed up immediately after finishing the call.

Well, for someone it would be amazing to survive the flight to Delhi, but I have found out in few minutes, that the aprox. 40 minutes drive through the night Delhi will be another story. No lines, no rules, only the fastest and the most hanking drivers can survive in this jungle full of beaten cars, handmade rickshaws and small taxis. Thinking of ending up under few 200years old buses and head crushes with different vehicles (and few cows) I have eventually made it to the place, where a really nice family was waiting for me with a little bit hard, but that much needed bed.

Stay tuned for tomorrows first impression of India by Petr ;)

čtvrtek 7. července 2011

Feel the India in Czech republic...

VISA - check!!!
But how!!! Since Indian embassy is in Prague, I had to move my ass to Prague...

Monday morning, 7am, Im getting into Student agency bus, the 3rd most admired company in Czech republic in 2011, which Ive read on the side of the bus...
Since Im going to Indian embassy, the fact that Im sitting right next to an Indian wo/man, is no surprise for me.. :D I was more surprised with the fact that for almost 30 minutes, I couldnt figure out if the person next to me is a man or woman... Problem solved when she answered her phone, high pitch, squeak... cracked drum in my ear... ouch... :D

Ok, what next? What I coincidence taht after introducing herself, the bus attendant say: "And on channel 8 you can listen the voice for today´s movie, Slum dog Millionaire... :D haha, are you kidding me? :D

Anyways, finding Indian embassy is not really that hard in Prague. You just take the subway to Hradčanská stop, get out and probably 2 minutes walk towards Letná and here it is. The Indian flag waiving in the air, saying "come smell and experience the real challenge" ;)

I got in right away. Just one person in front of me. I have to say that I have prepared myself very carefully. Put all the paperwork in foils in order, the VISA application together, one foil, another one my contract, invitation letter from the company another one etc. etc.
And suddenly, it was my turn, with no time of breathing in the atmosphere of Czech made Indian embassy. I have to admit, that the first impression of that guy sitting on the other side of small window was scary, no smile, not a really nice face, horrible English (oh, how Im excited to come to India) ;)
I started giving him the paper work, one by one, smelling something will go terribly wrong...

And there it came... "Whhhy do not you giving me all papers?" the little Indian guy asked, suddenly growing into the biggest man I have ever seen... I tried to give him the whole folder, but he refused... "Only papers"!!!
So after few minutes Ive done so, sweat dripping from my forehead...
After 10 minutes of reading the contract, invitation letter, my flights, he decided to take 200 US dollars from me and told me that my passport will be ready on monday... SWEEEEEEET!!!

Without saying good bye he almost kicked me out of the embassy... THAAAAANKS!!!

If any of you goes to the embassy, fingers crossed you wont meet this little/huge man... ;)

neděle 3. července 2011

(UN)formalities before travelling to India...

The decision made to travel to India came fast... fast as a bolt skidding through the sky. I have had 3 weeks to get everything ready, from the point of being accepted to the company, to the departure date.

Not long huh? :D 

I was thinking how easy it would be to manage it all in three weeks, but Im getting really tight on my time now, 11 days before leaving Brno...

There are so many things that have to be taken care of, but I have had a great support from my family and the manager from the company from India, so everything is going smoothly (knock, knock)...

First what came to my mind was vaccination... Feeling so specially with already been vaccinated against Hepatitis A and B few years ago, I have found out that there are more threads then this. Mainly typhoid and meningitis... Vaccination in the same day for both was alright...
But then I found out how smart this little, old woman doctor was. What a great businesswoman!!! First, scaring me of possibilities of dying to Malaria, finishing with selling me anti-malarias tablets and repellents. All together with vaccinations for around 220 US dollars. 
After talking with the manager of the company in Delhi I was pissed even more. Finding out that he hasnt met or know anyone, who have ever had Malaria in Delhi... :D (what a business to the doctor!!!)

I also need to mention the fly tickets. Really not that expensive as I thought it might be. I have already traveled with Turkish airlines, founding out that their service is really nice and that it might be one of few foods on board that I have said to myself, can I get more?
Anyways, two way ticket to New Delhi from Prague was about 740 US dollars.

And then the costs, that I wasnt really counting with...
Business VISA to India, Im going to sort that out this Monday in Prague, but their web page says 200 US dollars.
Insurance, still in process of finding the best one, but it seems that its going to be around 190 US dollars for half a year.

So all together, not talking about money needed for the first month before I get my first check is about 1350 US dollars. Way more then I have expected... But that comes with travelling and living abroad. Hope I havent screwed any of your plans to come to India... :)


Hi everyone!!!

Hello and welcome on my blog about my life in India!!!

First I need to say that this blog will be posted in English since I have also many friends who dont speak Czech.. ;)

So once more WELCOME here. You have just become a part of an amazing trip to India with me!!! As Im writing this Im finishing all needed paper work to apply for my business VISA to India and also getting ready for the amazing work and life experience ahead!

Im leaving with Turkish airlines from Prague on the July 14th, going through Istanbul and arriving on Ghandi International airport in Delhi on July 15th in really not reasonable time at 3:10am. Im hoping to use one of the rickshaws right away, hoping not to be killed or robbed by the "driver". ;)

As for people who are not informed on what Im really going to do in India and how I got such an amazing opportunity, here I go:

Thanks to AIESEC, which is the largest student (NGO) organisation that I have been part of for about year and half, I have decided to use the great potential of this organisation and find my internship, since I have spare half a year in between my studies now. Deciding between China or India, the fastest growing country in birth (more then 1 billion people there already!) but mainly in economics, I decided to go for India!!!

Im going to spend an amazing 6 months in cosmetic company called SEACRET on a position of sales representative. Im hoping to get an inside look on how companies are starting in India, since its such a big boom there, which I might use in my future career. (There is always not enough of international experience) ;)

So yes, Im going to live in New Delhi, the capital of India for 6 months, not going back for Christmas or New Years eve, but during that time, I might be spending the most splendid time on Maldives . (But about that later) :) 

Im going to miss all of my friends, but we have been through this many times before (USA, New Zealand, etc.) so we will get through this.. ;)
