neděle 3. července 2011

(UN)formalities before travelling to India...

The decision made to travel to India came fast... fast as a bolt skidding through the sky. I have had 3 weeks to get everything ready, from the point of being accepted to the company, to the departure date.

Not long huh? :D 

I was thinking how easy it would be to manage it all in three weeks, but Im getting really tight on my time now, 11 days before leaving Brno...

There are so many things that have to be taken care of, but I have had a great support from my family and the manager from the company from India, so everything is going smoothly (knock, knock)...

First what came to my mind was vaccination... Feeling so specially with already been vaccinated against Hepatitis A and B few years ago, I have found out that there are more threads then this. Mainly typhoid and meningitis... Vaccination in the same day for both was alright...
But then I found out how smart this little, old woman doctor was. What a great businesswoman!!! First, scaring me of possibilities of dying to Malaria, finishing with selling me anti-malarias tablets and repellents. All together with vaccinations for around 220 US dollars. 
After talking with the manager of the company in Delhi I was pissed even more. Finding out that he hasnt met or know anyone, who have ever had Malaria in Delhi... :D (what a business to the doctor!!!)

I also need to mention the fly tickets. Really not that expensive as I thought it might be. I have already traveled with Turkish airlines, founding out that their service is really nice and that it might be one of few foods on board that I have said to myself, can I get more?
Anyways, two way ticket to New Delhi from Prague was about 740 US dollars.

And then the costs, that I wasnt really counting with...
Business VISA to India, Im going to sort that out this Monday in Prague, but their web page says 200 US dollars.
Insurance, still in process of finding the best one, but it seems that its going to be around 190 US dollars for half a year.

So all together, not talking about money needed for the first month before I get my first check is about 1350 US dollars. Way more then I have expected... But that comes with travelling and living abroad. Hope I havent screwed any of your plans to come to India... :)


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